Calm Gummies Saved My Dating Life
When we talked with Seeing Other People Podcast (SOP) hosts Ilana Dunn and Jonah Feingold, we discovered that we all shared a mutual desire to improve people's lives.
Dating anxiety is a real problem for many people. The combination of SOPs amazing advice (and amazing guests) and Mindset CBD's all-natural anxiety relief, together, are giving people the tools to take control of how they want to feel on a date or otherwise.
"I feel so lucky to work with a brand founded on such important values, and to have listeners who believe in the work we're doing together and are willing to take a chance on us and have it pay off." - Ilana Dunn, Host of Seeing Other People
Reviews like the one below that we received this week is exactly what SOP and Mindset hoped for. Someone would hear the podcast and be inspired by the dating advice and learn about Mindset Wellness CBD and how it can support you.
Love is challenging; choosing your mindset is not with the help of Mindset Wellness CBD and great advice from Seeing Other People