Summertime Sadness

Summertime Sadness

When I think of summer, I think of sunshine, the beach, going on a vacation, being outdoors and easy breezy days! For me, these thoughts are happy thoughts that create positive feelings. These are things I look forward to. With summer coming to an end (just writing that makes me anxious) knowing that some of the things that bring me happiness and calmness are about to shift, I feel a little sad.

Especially this year, I feel an uneasiness that comes with so much uncertainty, lack of normalcy and the unknown of what the fall season might look like. Are restrictions going to tighten up? Are we going to keep wearing masks all the time? Can we travel? Is WFH our new normal? These are some questions that keep my conscious and unconscious mind busy, as I'm sure it does yours too. There is a lot going on.

trouble sleeping
This change in the seasons means less sunlight, which can affect our circadian rhythm (our internal clock) and mess up our mental states. Going into the fall, might also disrupt our body’s melatonin levels. As you might know, melatonin is a hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. The amount of sunlight we get can affect our melatonin production which can play a role in our mood changes and sleep patterns. It’s only normal that all of these changing factors lead to stressful thoughts and cause people like myself sadness and loss of sleep. It can make us feel out of balance.

cbd for anxiety

I choose a calm mindset and take the calm drops when I start to feel anxious or the happy gummies if the summertime sadness starts to get to me. To get my internal clock back on track, taking a rest gummy before bed has proven to be super helpful for me and others! 

So being aware of how our body reacts to change and how we feel is extremely important in managing stress and taking actions to help relieve it. Taking care of ourselves is crucial. So get a wellness routine, start moving your body, eat healthy, try to spend more time in nature, and don’t forget to add CBD to your routine to help balance your endocannabinoid system.

Taking care of your body, and mind is the first step to feeling balanced. When the Fall season takes away the sunshine from you, try to focus on people and activities that bring you joy! Remember, choosing to prioritize your health is key to living a happy, healthy and balanced life through all the seasons.

Thank you summer, we love you for all that you gave us! Hello Fall, I am ready for the change and all the wonder you may bring!

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1 comment

This completely resonates with me Rene! I am a summer girl too and am not thrilled about the colder weather ahead. Although I enjoy autumn, I feel like summer went so fast!

Thank you for all you do at Mindset Wellness to help ease us through these sometimes challenging times. ❤️❤️


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